
The Minutes

Fitness and wellness insights from experts to help you hit your Paceline Minutes


Earth Month: Feel Good, Do Good

The vision at Paceline is to make our world a healthier place. We do so by incentivizing you with rewards to work out for 150 minutes of elevated heart rate each week. We believe that individual choices can lead to systemic change and create a healthier world.

When we finish a challenging workout, we may experience the so-called “runners high,” caused by our body releasing endorphins. Regular exercise is recommended as an effective way to boost your mood and outlook on life.

We love to add new charity partners as reward options for your weekly 150 minutes. They pair perfectly with our mission to help make the world a (healthier and) better place. You can help make a difference by donating your Paceline reward to these fantastic organizations.

When we feel good, we’re more likely to be altruistic and willing to help others. So the more you work out, the more likely you are to forego that personal reward and select a charity to benefit from your good habits. Helping others also releases even more of those positive endorphins so that we can get in a great feedback loop there too!

During Earth Month, we added two new donation partners, Trees for the Future and the World Wildlife Fund. Since 1989, Trees for the Future has planted over 200 million trees and changed hundreds of thousands of lives. For over 60 years, WWF has worked to help people and nature thrive, including combatting the extinction of numerous endangered species and conserving the world’s forests.

These organizations are impactful rewards for Paceline and our planet. Who doesn’t love to work out in nature’s gym?! These charities are working to help ensure that we’ll be able to enjoy that bike ride through the mountains or run through the woods for a long time to come.